Friday, December 31, 2010

In remembrance of Brody.
Acrylic on Slate. NFS
Nita Leger Casey
I am back! I can't believe a week has past and I didn't post . So much has happened in a week , Christmas trip to the ER for my husband , back home and then back to the ER ,a case of Shingles ( Zona ) with complications got him a stay in the Hospital for 5 days . Also have a full house of children grandchildren and four dogs ,not much time to do anything else but keeping everyone happy . The Slate was done for a Christmas present for my son who had lost his dog in the fall .
Happy New year to all and for sure the best of health for 2011

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bonne Année et bonne santé à toi Nita. J'espère que ton mari ira mieux rapidement.
Je vous souhaite de la santé, du bonheur et de la prospérité pour vous et vos familles.